Welcome to my online journal of my time here in Africa. It started awhile back as I worked on raising the support to go Africa and now I am here. I will be updating it with storeis, pictures, praises and prayer requests as often as I can. Thanks for checking it out!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Past is still Present...
If you didn't know already, Namibia was under the same Aparthied laws as South Africa was up until 1990. The black and mixed people of Namibia were not allowed in the grocery stores, had seperate bathrooms and entrances and were discriminated against. It is very similar to how they were treated in America during the time of slavery. Namibia has been a free country for seventeen years but the past still has a strong hold here. The town I live in, Grootfontein, is one of the most segragated towns in all of Namibia. There is a very big seperation between the white Afrikaaners and Germans and the black and mixed community. There isn't a lot of open racism but it is a subtle attitude here. I see it more and more the longer I am here. The biggest thing I notice is the little things that are still here that are reminders of the past. Below is an example. There is a small library in town. It has a lot of older books, many that were purchased and used before Namibia was a free country. Sadly, many of the books still hold the "Administration for Whites" stamp in the book. It is a small thing but a constant reminder to any one who checks out the books of what life was and in many ways is still like as well as a reminder of the pain and suffering that did and still goes on. Namibia and my town inparticular is in serious need of healing. Look closely at the stamp in the book that I recently checked out.


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