Welcome to my online journal of my time here in Africa. It started awhile back as I worked on raising the support to go Africa and now I am here. I will be updating it with storeis, pictures, praises and prayer requests as often as I can. Thanks for checking it out!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

School Work
My grade 5 classes have been studying fractions for the last three weeks. When I say studying I mean we have gone over the concept that the number on the bottom of the fraction is how many pieces total in the fraction and the number shaded pieces is the number on the top of the fraction. It has literally taken us three weeks to go over this and there are still students in my class that don't understand the concept. We are going to move on to number placement next week. We can only spend so much time on one concept. The students who are not really understanding the concept will be coming to class after school twice a week for some more one on one attention. Hopefully it will help. Below are some pictures of our last day of fraction work. I wanted to let them have a little fun with learning so the kids made big fractions to hang up in the classroom. Obviously we haven't gotten to the part about all the pieces being equal amounts. I am learning to take little steps with the students. The fact that they are understanding anything is a great accomplishment and I find simple joy in that fact.


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