Welcome to my online journal of my time here in Africa. It started awhile back as I worked on raising the support to go Africa and now I am here. I will be updating it with storeis, pictures, praises and prayer requests as often as I can. Thanks for checking it out!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Encouraging Student

So, most of my students and really most of the students at our school come from the poor area of Grootfontein, many are orphans, many have trouble at home and many are considered "vulnerable" children. My Religion class has 45 students and many of them could care less about being at school or learning. This is a general attitude with the students at the school. Because of their home situations, school is not a priority and many don't see the need. Their parents and older family members may not be able to read or do math and many of the students don't have any concept of life outside of their little houses. Some have never even been to town. As a teacher, trying to motivate these kids is a challenge and it can be easy to get discouraged and frusterated. God knows when we need an encouragement and he has sent one to me. There is one student, Buitemelo (her picture is down the page a bit) who is a huge blessing to me. She loves to be in class and tries really hard and is eager to learn. Yesterday, she missed my class because her mother made her come home at the mid day break time to help with her younger siblings. She came back to school ten minutes before it was out asking if she could do the work that we had done in class. During exams a few weeks ago the same situation happened and she came back to school afterit was out and took the exam that she had missed. This was all done on her own initiative. The Lord knew I needed that encouragement at the end of this week. As much as I love teaching, lack of interest, frusteration with the administration, dealing with teachers who spend more time out of class than in can wear down anyones optimism. To see Buitemelo's smiling face at the door of my class, eager and ready to learn refreshed me in a way that only God's complete understanding of my needs could do!


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