Welcome to my online journal of my time here in Africa. It started awhile back as I worked on raising the support to go Africa and now I am here. I will be updating it with storeis, pictures, praises and prayer requests as often as I can. Thanks for checking it out!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Wedding Pictures!
(first pic) - Two Ovambo women who were dancing and singing. They are holding sticks with the tails of cows on the ends. They wave these when they sing and in front of the bride. I believe they are to bring good luck to the couple.
(second pic) - Two Herero women. The man in the wedding is from the Herero people and the woman is from the Ovambo people. The tradition when two tribes inter-marry then they use the brides tradtional ceremony.
(third, fourth, and fifth pic) - These are just pictures of the dancing. The older woman were really happy and dancing like crazy. The last picture of the older women has fun story. Of course I stood out being the only white person so everyone is smiling while I am taking the pictures. Well, I was tryin to get pictures while they were dancing and while I was trying to take her picture she turned around and looked at me. Everything just stopped! The singing, the dancing, everything stopped and she just stood there so I could take her picture. It was a great time, I loved the singing and dancing!


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