Welcome to my online journal of my time here in Africa. It started awhile back as I worked on raising the support to go Africa and now I am here. I will be updating it with storeis, pictures, praises and prayer requests as often as I can. Thanks for checking it out!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I went to a friend of a friend of a friend's brothers wedding!. It was up in Northern Namibia in an area called Ovamboland. It was quite an experience. I love the yelling, dancing, and music playing. There was a lot of woman who were dancing all over the place. After the church wedding, the bride and groom come to the house. They wait until the women and men come to take them to the house. They go to the house and then there is a lot of dancing and yelling. The women are telling there congratulations and all that. Then they escort the couple to a tree where there is more singing and dancing and then people bring gifts and money to the couple. Next, the couple is taken around the home area where all the houses and huts are. They stop and drink traditional beer in front of there new home. Then the women escort them to where we eat. Everyone then sits around and drinks and eats and sings and dances. It is quite a party! There are so many people! Below are some pictures of the wedding couple, the bride does not look happy at all! Above are more pictures of dancing.
(first pic) - Here is the bride and groom waiting to be escorted to the house.
(second pic) - This is some of the wedding party.
(third pic) - Some of the men waiting.
(fourth pic) - Here come the women dancing, singing, and hollering as they come to escort the bride and groom to their new house.


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