The Conference
The main reason Linda and I went to Kenya was for a conference on HIV in context of vulnerable children. It was three days packed with sessions but they were so good. We talked a lot about the history and medical side of HIV. I learned so much that will be incredibly helpful. We also learned a lot about Mother-to-Child Transmission. Other topics included Resiliancy in Children and Home Based Care. We also talked a lot about partnering with Western Churches and as the pictures farther down show, visiting the Nakuru AIDS Iniative. All the sessions were great but getting time to meet and network with other health workers and children's workers was invaluable. It was great to hear what others are doing and what is working and not working for them. Spending time sharing about what we are all doing and praying for one another was particularly encouraging. Overall, the conference was great and I feel better equipped to minister after attending it. Even though Linda and I are not specifically working with HIV, we come in contact with it on a daily basis. This conference gave a lot of information on how to encourage and support not only those affected and infected but also how to encourage those who are specifically working with them.
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