Welcome to my online journal of my time here in Africa. It started awhile back as I worked on raising the support to go Africa and now I am here. I will be updating it with storeis, pictures, praises and prayer requests as often as I can. Thanks for checking it out!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Special Kids...
The title here is a little funny because they are not really kids! Edukali is the big guy and he is 19. Timo is the shorter guy and he is 16. Emily is a bit younger at 14 but not really a kid. These three were in my remedial class last year and are now in my grade 7 classes this year. They are three kids that grabbed my heart right away. They can be trouble, particularly Edukali. They are all really smart. Emily has flourished in the last year and is now one of the top in the class. Timo struggles but he tries so hard to do well and is the most diligent with homework and class assignments. Edukali is so smart and tries so little. He doen't see how education is improtnt. My main goal this year is to continue to encourage them to finish school at our school and really try in Secondary School next year. I would adopt all three of them! I can't explain the reason why these three grab me more than the others but they do. I love spending time with them, I love their uniqueness and their personalities. They are funny and in their hearts they are good kids in some unfortunate circumstances. Edukali is always pushing the limits and Timo is so sweet and tries hard to please. Emily is funny and has a bit of an attitude. She loves to hang out with me after school and play with my hair. I see such potential in these three and it breaks my heart when I connect with these kids and see their potential being thrown away by uncaring people and lack of encouragement or opportunities. So, these are my 'special kids'.

Edukali and Timo - my 'boys'
Edukali and me - I am giving another student my teacher look!

Emilie and me - my 'girl'

Timo and me - my 'boy' who is one of my constant companions at school

Emilie - Doesn't she look beautiful in her nicest clothes!


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8:18 PM


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